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Sunlit Summit

Flagstone Peak

Elevation: 13,445 ft.

Prominence: 826 ft.

Isolation: 0.8 miles

Technical Difficulty: Class 2

Flagstone Peak Guidebook


There are no flagstones on the Wind River crest, but the slab-like chunks of granite at Flagstone Peak’s summit likely give this peak its name, all geology aside. Flagstone is a wonderful hikers’ peak, offering dramatic vistas from a remote summit while not requiring any climbing skills on the standard route. The west, south, and east aspects are quite steep, but a gentle slope offers passage from the north. The summit rears up and narrows to a distinctive pointed edge, and from this vantage, you may feel like you’re riding the bow of a giant ship breaking through the choppy sea of peaks which spreads out across the heart of the northern Winds.

General Considerations

Flagstone is usually climbed in combination with Pedestal Peak, the only soft-ranked 13er in Wyoming. A traverse between these two peaks is a natural way to explore this corner of the range. Many hikers combine Flagstone and Pedestal with other 13ers on the northern Divide, and the author is particularly fond of traversing from Downs Mountain to Flagstone or vice versa.

However, Flagstone Peak can also be approached from drainages connecting to either side of the Wind River crest. From Dinwoody Creek and the Glacier Trail, a hiking route can be found which connects the rugged Gannett Creek valley with the gentles slopes at the head of the Grasshopper Glacier via a broad saddle below Bastion Peak. From the Green River side, Tourist Creek is the most direct way of approaching Flagstone; a pass at the head of the Tourist Creek valley connects with the Divide near the beginning of the Pedestal-Flagstone traverse route.

Route 1: North Ridge – Class 2

This is the standard way to climb Flagstone as part of the Flagstone-Pedestal traverse. First, climb Pedestal and descend to the Pedestal-Flagstone saddle (see Pedestal Peak routes 1 and 2). Note that skipping the summit block of Pedestal allows you to avoid any class 3 terrain. From the saddle, the route is obvious, and a few hundred feet of hiking over small talus blocks leads directly to the summit.

Route 2: East Bowl – Class 2, Moderate Snow

For those who wish to connect Flagstone with peaks to the south, this route provides a useful shortcut to avoid the out-and-back along the Pedestal-Flagstone ridge. A direct route up Flagstone’s southeast flank is blocked by cliffs at the top. However, the slope mellows along the ridge going north.

To climb this route, start at the high, flat valley between Grasshopper Peak and the Grasshopper Glacier. A persistent snowfield sits below Flagstone’s east ridge; climb it in a right-angling traverse to meet the ridge a little above the Flagstone-Pedestal saddle. From here, continue up the north ridge route. The snowfield becomes quite icy by late summer.

Flagstone Peak Map

Click title to show track
North Ridge Route
East Bowl Route

Flagstone Peak Panorama

Flagstone Peak Photos

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